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Ya se había desatado la polémica de una de las reglas de sourceforge, que impedía dar acceso a los países sancionados por Estados Unidos, ahora, mediante un mail, notifica que esta decisión se la deja al administrador de proyecto; un buen movimiento sin duda, ya que evitaría el cierre de la web por violaciones a las leyes de USA y quedaría bien con la comunidad libre. a continuación el mail enviado:
Hello SourceForge project administrator,
La carta dice:

SourceForge has project settings to help you comply with regulations
governing distribution of software to persons from certain countries (aka
Export Controls). We've had some recent questions about these settings,
so have sent out this note to all administrators to make sure all projects
have this information.
By default, software downloads initiated by visitors from Sudan, North Korea, Syria, Iran and Cuba are blocked.
A project administrator may disable this blocking if they conclude that their project is *not* subject to US export-related regulations or any prohibitions of applicable jurisdictions:
1. Project Admin -> Project Settings.
2. Find the "Export Control" section.
3. Tick the first radio button under "Export Control" and click "Update".
We at SourceForge are committed to the ideals of free and open source software, including the principle of free exchange of information. Our approach to access control is intended to empower you and reward your continued trust. We recognize, however, that our approach isn't the completely free access to everything for everyone that some would like. As a US-based web site, SourceForge is committed to complying fully with US laws and regulations, including those affecting the distribution of software. We will continue to work as diligently as possible to ensure that our legal compliance is coupled with the highest quality of service that we can offer to our diverse, global user base.
Best regards,
Daniel Hinojosa
Sr. Manager, Support
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